Customer Show + Tell: Integration Enablement with Jason Oakley

6 min read

See how Jason Oakley - Senior Director of Product Marketing at Klue uses Navattic for integration enablement.

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We're using them on some key landing pages. The one we'll talk about today is the integrations page.

We did it for our Teams app that we launched late last year. We were having trouble showing integrations since not everyone is able to hop into Teams and we only have so many dev licenses.

On the Team's landing page, it opens up the tour right on top of a lightbox. I like this idea of opening up in a lightbox versus embedding on the page because I wanted more real estate on the page.

Check out the Klue + Teams demo

Then they're able to go through the flow of what it's like to actually grab a message that they've posted into Teams and send that right into Klue.

And the cool thing is you can stitch together, in one tour, multiple different product pages, and multiple different apps. We jump from Teams right over to Klue and it seems seamless.

We found it was really helpful also for our sales team or CS team. They were able to walk through the flow and see how this worked. They can also use it to walk customers or a prospect through the integration.

Why did you set up the demo this way?

In other blog posts, we've embedded it directly on the page. We want to keep them on the page and make it as seamless and frictionless as possible.

It's the embedded approach or in this case, a bit of a hybrid of that, where it's open in a lightbox just to get that full screen.

It feels like more a part of the site itself and it's keeping them on the website.

Were there any previous customer demos that inspired you?

Shout out to Dooly. When we were looking at doing interactive tours, the Dooly examples were one of the ones that I always went to.

Check out the Dooly demos.

On all their sub-product pages where they get into the specifics of the product and different jobs to be done within the tool and things like that.

It's being able to embed the tours that are getting people to that aha moment as quickly as possible

Do you have any recommendations for someone just starting with Navattic

Try to break it up into more manageable chunks. The first time I created it I was like, "Okay, in one sitting, I'm gonna do everything."

Plan it out first and do your storyboard. Ask yourself "What do I want the steps to be". Then write the copy for each step and think about the screenshot you want to capture.

Check out Jason's notion Storyboard Template.

After that stage, you want to review it with someone or just validate it even internally with someone who often does demos.

Ask them:

  • What do you think of the flows?
  • Does this make sense?
  • Are we getting into that aha moment that we really want to hit?

Then capture your screen captures and create a draft of your tour.

Next review that with someone outside your company, whether it's a customer or ideally it'd be someone who hasn't really seen the app or doesn't know it that well to see if it resonates.

Finally, do your review and clean it up and all of that.

Because I'm a product person a lot of times I'll get in there and I'll just want to go through the and I almost treat it like an onboarding. I want to walk them through the features and explain how to use them.

It's important for people to remember that you are here trying to sell something - it's not supposed to be this kind of harbor tour walkthrough of every little feature

It's not an onboarding video. You really want to be able to drive home the value, get them to that aha moment as quick as possible, keep it short and concise.

Any quantitative or qualitative results from this demo?

We've definitely heard qualitative feedback that people like that they can sit behind the wheel of the product and get to see it and feel it. We also sell to product marketers and they find this stuff really interesting because they want to have one too on their site.

It's also really helpful for the sales team. Their eagerness to share content that has these tours is a noticeable increase. Because they can say, "Included in this is an interactive tour."

I also looked at the Teams page and compared it to a previous Salesforce integration page that had a video embedded.

The pages are very similar in terms of their layout and all of that. Obviously, there are a number of factors but one of the main differences is one had a video and the other one had an interactive tour.

The completion rate of the video on the Salesforce page - about 15% of people made it to the end. Whereas on the Navattic tour - about 52% of people made it to the end.

That was an eye-opener to the just overall engagement of people being able to make it through the complete tour that we had, versus a video that we embed on the site.

On those two pages too, across each other, we noticed a decrease in bounce rate of about 10% when you look at the Teams page.

These didn't drive a lot of demo requests, and it wasn't like we were looking to drive a ton of demo requests from these. Of the ones that we did drive, I noticed a pretty significant increase in conversion rate.

The Teams page actually was about double in terms of the conversion rate on that page, versus the one with the video.


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